In this information technology age, Kenyan secondary school students need to be equipped to develop the skills to
help them search for information and evaluate and utilize the information effectively. This study established
information-seeking strategies of students in Nairobi and Tharaka-Nithi secondary schools. The study selected two
counties Nairobi and Tharaka-Nithi, which represent both urban (Nairobi) and rural populations (Tharaka-Nithi).
Data was collected using questionnaires. Systematic sampling was used to select 30 secondary schools (20 schools
from Nairobi and 10 schools from Tharaka-Nithi) out of a total of 304 secondary schools in both counties while
stratified random sampling was used to classify the students into four strata (Form 1-4). A total number of 385
students were sampled (255 from Nairobi schools and 130 from Tharaka-Nithi secondary schools). Results revealed
that 47.6% use of library personnel and 34.9% use of library catalogue were some of the information seeking
strategies that the students use in the library. Further, 87% of the students denoted that the librarian was willing and
ready to assist whenever needed. Results also showed that 44.7% of the students strongly agreed to seek for
reference sources to ensure they get the current and authentic information. Majority of the students depended more
on the librarian for information requirements but reluctant to use library catalogue. Also that majority of the
librarians assist the students get information and students were eager to make use of available reference sources. The
study concludes that information seeking strategies in the secondary schools need to be enhanced especially internet
connectivity and the use of subscription databases. The study recommends that secondary schools should have an
ICT section that would allow the students to interact with online educational resources.